
JoJolion (Japanese: ジョジョリオン, Hepburn: Jojorion) is a popular seinen manga series by Hirohiko Araki, serving as the eighth part of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Serialized in Shueisha’s Ultra Jump since May 19, 2011, the series spans 22 volumes with 90 chapters, plus 4 additional chapters awaiting release in volume format.

The story follows Josuke Higashikata, a young man with amnesia and Stand abilities, as he uncovers secrets about his past. Set in an alternate version of Morioh, JoJolion explores themes of mystery, identity, and supernatural battles. Araki’s signature surreal style brings depth to themes of family, memory, and self-discovery, making JoJolion a standout entry in the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure saga.